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Welcome to Digital et Facile - Promoting Open Source Digital Tools

· 7 min read
Lionel Kaufmann
Membre du comité

Welcome to the blog of Digital et Facile, your go-to resource in Geneva for discovering and mastering open source digital tools! We are an association dedicated to promoting powerful, accessible, and free digital tools, with a focus on open source and modern technologies. Our mission is to make the digital world easier to access for everyone.

Today, we introduce you to an essential tool: Docusaurus, a static site generator. This article will also introduce you to the Jamstack concept, a modern web architecture, and explain how you can benefit from fast, secure, and low-cost websites.

What is Open Source?

Open source allows any user to access a software’s source code, modify it, and redistribute it freely. This creates a community where ideas and solutions are constantly shared and improved. Many digital tools, like Docusaurus, are developed under this approach, making adoption simpler and more economical.

Open source is at the core of our commitment at Digital et Facile because we believe in collaborative innovation accessible to everyone. By promoting open source solutions, we enable everyone, even with limited resources, to access quality tools and improve their efficiency.

Jamstack: A Modern Architecture for Efficient Websites

The term Jamstack refers to a modern web architecture based on three main elements:

  • JavaScript: For client-side dynamic logic.
  • APIs: Third-party services or microservices provide features like authentication or payments.
  • Markup: Pre-generated content (usually HTML files) served via a CDN for fast performance.

Benefits of Jamstack

The Jamstack model offers several significant advantages:

  1. Performance: Jamstack sites are extremely fast. Since they are primarily made up of static HTML files, they can be distributed in advance through a CDN (Content Delivery Network). This dramatically reduces load times as users get files from the server closest to them.

  2. Security: With a static site, there’s no database or server to attack directly. This reduces the risk of security vulnerabilities often encountered in traditional websites (like SQL injections). By outsourcing dynamic functionalities to secure APIs, you strengthen your site’s protection.

  3. Scalability: Static files can be easily duplicated across multiple servers worldwide via CDNs, ensuring availability and fast access even during high traffic. This also allows for handling traffic spikes without additional complexity.

  4. Low cost: Using a static site generator like Docusaurus, you can host your site at a very low cost, or even for free. Services like GitHub Pages, Netlify, or Vercel allow you to host static sites for free, with paid options for additional features if necessary.

Why Choose Jamstack?

Jamstack is ideal for fast, secure, and economical sites, especially for blogs, documentation, or showcase websites like the ones you can create with Docusaurus.

Docusaurus: An Open Source Static Site Generator

Docusaurus is an open source project maintained by Meta, designed to create static websites. It’s written in JavaScript and uses the React framework to manage dynamic components while focusing on static content generation through Markdown files.

Docusaurus is based on Jamstack principles, meaning it generates static pages that are fast, secure, and can be hosted via CDNs at a low cost. Its optimized architecture allows users to quickly create documentation sites or blogs, with pre-configured templates to focus on content without worrying about technical details.

Key Features of Docusaurus

  • Quick to set up: You can start a Docusaurus project in just minutes.
  • Built-in SEO: The generated sites are automatically optimized for search engines, ensuring good online visibility.
  • Multilingual support: Ideal for projects requiring multiple languages.
  • Customizable: While Docusaurus is opinionated, it allows customizations through plugins and themes to meet specific needs.

CDN and Security

Using CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) is essential to ensure your site is efficiently distributed worldwide. By hosting your static files on a CDN, visitors can access your site from the nearest server, reducing latency and significantly improving loading speed.

Additionally, Docusaurus' static approach eliminates many security risks, as there is no exposed database or server. By using third-party services via secure APIs, you can add dynamic features without compromising security.

Reduced Cost and Free Hosting

With solutions like GitHub Pages, Netlify, and Vercel, it is often possible to host a Docusaurus site for free. These platforms make it easy to deploy static sites and offer features such as automatic deployments with every code update, continuous integration, and free SSL certificates for security.

This means that even with a limited budget, you can publish a fast, secure, and professional site while benefiting from the advantages of Jamstack.


By using Docusaurus with Netlify or Vercel, you can set up automatic deployments with every change to your code on GitHub. This simplifies site management and allows for quick iteration.

Case Study: Documenting a Social and Solidarity Economy Project

At Digital et Facile, we have helped several social and solidarity economy (ESS) organizations in the Geneva region and neighboring France to create and maintain documentation for their projects. One concrete example is a collaboration with a local cooperative developing circular economy solutions. Their challenge was to create comprehensive documentation for their users and partners that was easy to consult and update.

We recommended Docusaurus for this project due to its ease of use, quick setup, and Jamstack architecture, ensuring optimal performance even with high traffic. Thanks to Docusaurus, the cooperative was able to:

  • Create a multilingual documentation site for their partners in Switzerland and France.
  • Facilitate continuous documentation updates by their teams through simplified management via GitHub.
  • Host their documentation for free on GitHub Pages while benefiting from the speed and security of a CDN.

This project is an example of how Digital et Facile helps ESS organizations adopt open source solutions to improve their impact while keeping costs low.

Expertise in the Geneva and Surrounding Region

One of Digital et Facile's strengths is our expertise in supporting social and solidarity economy (ESS) projects in the Geneva region and neighboring France. We offer our expertise in:

  • Creating and maintaining documentation for community projects.
  • Training teams on the use of open source tools like Docusaurus.
  • Advising on best practices for web security, performance, and content management.

We are committed to supporting local initiatives and promoting the adoption of accessible and sustainable digital technologies, allowing organizations to focus their resources on their social mission.


Thanks to open source, the Jamstack model, and tools like Docusaurus, it's now easier than ever to create and deploy fast, secure, and affordable websites. At Digital et Facile, we guide you through this process by helping you master these tools and leverage their full potential.

Whether you're a small business looking to document your products, an open source developer, or simply someone wanting to create a blog, Docusaurus and the Jamstack offer a complete and easy-to-implement solution.

Feel free to join us in Geneva or follow our workshops to learn more about these tools and how to create high-performance digital solutions at a low cost.

About Digital et Facile

Digital et Facile is an association based in Geneva, Switzerland, with the mission of democratizing access to open source digital tools. We organize workshops and events to help individuals and professionals discover and master these technologies, with a particular focus on social and solidarity economy (ESS) projects.